The 2025 WEA Representative Assembly will be held from April 24th - 26th in Spokane, WA.
WEA is a member-driven, democratically governed organization and the annual Representative Assembly (RA) is its chief policy making body. Once a year, local associations select more than 1,000 WEA members to gather for RA.
Local associations attending RA hold an election among their membership to select delegates. Each local is allowed to bring one delegate per 60 members or major fraction thereof.
The annual meeting, which has a look and feel similar to a major political convention, provides a forum where WEA members can collaborate, debate and vote. Individual members and local associations submit New Business Items, New Resolutions or Amendments to Continuing Resolutions, Standing Rules, Bylaws, and WEA Constitution, which, when passed, set the organizational priorities for WEA for the coming year.
RA delegates also elect the WEA President and Vice President every two years and NEA State Board Directors when their varied terms are up.
Would you like to be involved in the WEA RA?
There are several ways you can participate.
Be a delegate: Run as a delegate from your local to attend the WEA RA. Connect with your local president to find out more information on the process and timeline for this local election.
Be a guest: If you are a WEA member and would like to see what the RA is all about and are not elected as a delegate or serving as a volunteer, there are limited seats available in the guest section. No expenses will be paid by the WEA and you must receive guest credentials. Please contact Christina Martinez if you would like more information.
Volunteer to be a WEA RA Ambassador: RA Ambassadors assist our members and leaders to help ensure the RA runs smoothly. The Representative Assembly cannot operate without our volunteers. They are placed in key roles during the assembly. RA Floor Ambassadors are neutral participants and non-delegates to the WEA RA and must be members in good standing. RA Floor Ambassadors must maintain neutrality towards candidates running for office and any other issues in debate before the WEA Representative Assembly. RA Floor Ambassadors need to be diligent in their duties and not to the business of the WEA Representative Assembly.
Ambassador positions:
The Sergeant-at-Arms duties are to allow access to the RA floor of individuals with floor credentials to conduct the business of the WEA Representative Assembly.
The task of the Phone/Floor Monitors is to keep the assembly moving smoothly. Phone/Floor Monitors receive white, green and red speaker request forms.
The task of the Floor Page is to deliver messages or motion forms to the Head Table.
Head Table Pages are needed to deliver messages from the Head Table to others in the assembly room as well as to assist Head Table Secretaries to complete information gathering. One Page at the Head Table distributes new materials to the Rules Chair and the other Page will distribute materials to the six (6) Phone/Floor Monitor stations.
The Information Booth serves as a central point for assistance to delegates about RA activities and meetings, location of restaurants, shuttle services, and serves as a lost and found area and limited first aid/emergency services. RA Floor Ambassadors serve throughout the assembly including pre-conference times and session breaks. The Information Booth is in the convention center foyer, in front of the RA Floor.
WEA provides:
Meals for RA Floor Ambassadors in the RA Floor Ambassador Room prior to their shift: Thursday dinner; Friday breakfast, lunch and dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Substitute costs for RA Floor Ambassadors. It is encouraged that volunteers receiving release time also volunteer during a non-release time shift.
Transportation costs for RA Floor Ambassadors are to be cover by their council or local association.
Transportation costs, as well as the costs noted above, will be provided for 8 members statewide from small locals to serve as RA Floor Ambassadors.
Training by the WEA RA Parliamentarians and Rules Chairs.
Vest and name badge credentials for each RA Floor Ambassador.
Handbook outlining duties, session times, motion form samples, and other helpful information.
Hotel lodging room, tax, and self-parking if work entire WEA RA. Lodging based on double occupancy.
If you have questions about WEA RA or would like to volunteer to be an RA Ambassador, please contact WEA Event Planner Jill Dahlen or call 253-765-7088.
Contact Us
Where to find us:P.O. Box 998, Port Angeles WA 98362, United States